27 Mart 2013 Çarşamba


Müzeler bir toplumun geçmişiyle bağ kurduğu mekanlardır. Toplumun bir nevi hafıza merkezleridir. Günümüzde giderek yaygınlaşan Kent müzeleri de kentte yaşayan, yaşamış veya bir şekilde oradan yolu geçmiş insanların o kentle bağ kurdukları, o kentin hafızası ile temas kurdukları mekanlardır. Böylece insanlar bir yandan bu mekanlarda kentin geçmişini görürken kendi geçmişlerini de hatırlamaya başlarlar. Bu anlamda o kentin insanlarının ve o kentle ‘temas’ etmiş herkesin kendinden ve geçmişinden bir parça bulduğu yerlerdir Kent Müzeleri. Geçmiş hatırlandıkça, bugün anlaşılır, yarın konuşulur. Böylece Kent Müzeleri, ‘ne güzeldi o günler’ den ‘gelecek günler nasıl öyle güzel yaratılır’ın konuşulduğu dinamik, canlı mekanlar haline gelir.

Binlerce yıl boyunca yaşamın kesintisiz bir şekilde sürdüğü Diyarbakır’ımızda, kentin tarihini, sosyal ve kültürel yapısını hem kentte yaşayanlara, hem dışardan gelenlere ve hem de gelecek kuşaklara aktarmak amacıyla, bütün çağdaş kentlerde olduğu gibi, bir Kent Müzesi’nin kurulması yolunda faaliyetlerimiz hızlı bir şekilde ilerlemektedir.

Diyarbakır Büyükşehir Belediyesi tarafından, kentin geçmişi ile geleceği arasında bir bağ oluşturacak bu mekan yani Diyarbakır Kent Müzesi için sürdürülen Cemilpaşa Konağı restorasyon çaışmaları hızlı bir şekilde devam etmektedir.

Restorasyon biter bitmez Kent Müzesinin hizmete girebilmesi amacıyla kente dair belli başlı temalar oluşturulmuş ve bu temalar çerçevesinde koleksiyon toplama çalışmalarına başlanmıştır. Bu amaçla tüm Amid- Diyarbekir- Diyarbakır-  Amedlilerden Diyarbakır Kent Müzesi’nde değerlendirilmek üzere;

-Diyarbakır’da Dans ve Müzik



-Edebiyat, Basın

-Kültürel çeşitlilik


-Mahalle yaşamı


-İlim ve bilim

-Üretim (zanaatlar, sanatlar v.b)

-Günlük yaşam ve adetler

-Eski Diyarbakır

Gibi temalar ile ilgili olarak her türlü bilgi, belge, anı, fotoğraf, görüntü, kayıt ve nesne bağışları bekiyoruz. Yapılan tüm bağışlar ve katkılar bağış yapanın ismi ile sergilenecektir.


Diyarbakir Büyükşehir Belediyesi

Kültür ve Turizm Dairesi

Müze Şb. Müdürlüğü

+90 (412) 226 48 86

facebook/ Diyarbakır Kent Müzesi
*Diyarbakır Büyükşehir Belediyesi Kültür ve Turizm Dairesi Müze Şube Müdürlüğünün Cemilpaşa Konağı Diyarbakır Kent Müzesi'ne katkı sunmaya yönelik çağrısıdır. Olduğu gibi yayınlıyorum.

25 Mart 2013 Pazartesi

The ‘Historic’ Newroz In Amed (Diyarbakır)

Newroz (new day) is a fest of celebrating the coming of spring in the Middle East by the Indo-iranian or Aryan people. It is a traditional fest which is celebrated every year on the 21st of March. People wear their colorful clothes as if they wanted to show the color of the spring and go out to celebrate this day. So, everyone can see the harmony between the colorful clothes and coloured spring in the fest. 21st of March is also a start point of a new year and celebrated as a new year in Iran today. The story or legend is also common among both Kurdish and Iranian people. But the meaning of this fest has changed in years. While it was kept continuing celebrating as a new year fest in Iran, It got the `resurrection and freedom` meanings among the Kurds as they were/are the World’s biggest stateless nation.
Newroz was also a legend narrated in Kurdish folk literature until mid-80’s when the fighting between Kurdish guerillas and Turkish security forces began. It transformed from a legend to national fest in those years step by step depending on Kurdish struggle for their own rights.

Kurdish mythology, Newroz is considered a day of freedom from the cruel king Dehaq. Dehaq was an Asyrian king who ruled the all region including the land of Medes who are believed to be Kurd’s ancestors. It remains legend until mid 80’s.
After the military coup in Turkey, on the 12 September 1980, around 650.000 people were detained among them there were many Kurdish. In Diyarbakır prison the most horrible torture were applied. To protest this inhuman torturing, Mazlum Doğan, a member committe of PKK set his cell on fire on the 21st of March. And it became a starting point of transforming Newroz’s meaning. By then, Newroz was started to celebrate as a ‘resurrection and freedom day’  by Kurdish guerillas and its supporters in the cities.
In the beginning of 90’s, Newroz was already celebrated by a mass of people while the banning on this fest and inhibitions against celebrating this fest tightened by the state and its forces. In the Newroz’s celebrating in Nusaybin and Cizre over 100 people were killed in two days by security forces.
It was another point in the Newroz celebratings in the sense of transforming its meaning. And year by year the more people attended this celebrations altough the state banned every year and its forces attack more and more.
After detaining the leader of PKK Abdullah Öcalan in 1999, and his call for withdrawing of PKK’s guerilla from inside of Turkey to the Qandil Mountains, there was relaxation in Turkey and so more people involve in Newroz celebratings each year.
Depending on conditions both in the cities and the intensity of the clashes in the mountains, the manner of the state local authorities were changing. As it was seen in the 2012’s Newroz, because of the political situation, the order not to let the people celebrate the Newroz in Diyarbakır came from internal ministry.
And this year, 21st of March, about two million people were in the Newroz Area to celebrate both their ‘national’ fest and to hear the ‘new era of struggle’ which came from Abdullah Öcalan, who now is accepted by many of them as a Kurdish Leader.
It was said that Newroz 2013 would be ‘historic’. And it was, over two million people, raising flags of Kurdistan and PKK, no obstacle by Turkish authorities and security forces, and Mr. Abdullah Öcalan’s calls for the new era ‘the time of armed struggle is over, it is time for political struggle’.


Preparations for Newroz:

And Newroz, 21st of March
 People start to come to theNewroz area early in the morning

There was already big crowd before the program started. 

 Someone preferred to celebrate by watching them on the balcony.

All the people were there, old, young, men and women and children.

*All the pictures can be published only with the consent of Author/Photographer